"Where the Old World Craftsman...Meets Today's Modern Technician"

At EC Auto Studio our slogan is more than just words, it’s our philosophy.
We believe there is no substitute for careful detailed hands on old world craftsmanship, a lost art in today’s technological society. We understand that as technology grows, the tools and products we use in our trade have also gotten more advanced with time. We combine the best of both of these worlds which will produce a finished product that not only will stand out from the crowd now, but will also stand the tests of time.
EC Auto Studio has restored, modified, fabricated and refinished a multitude of vehicles including classic and kustom automobiles, motorcycles, race cars, watercraft and accessories typically entered in special interest shows and exhibits.
EC Auto Studio has been accredited with numerous awards for the restoration, paint or graphic design work , completed on our customers vehicles including, “Best Paint”, Best in Show” and Best Appearing” in local, regional and national competitions. EC Auto Studio clients vehicles have appeared in many media publications.
EC Auto Studios body and metal working capabilities have been featured in special interest publications such as, Auto Restorer, Corvette Lifestyles and Hot Rod.com. The focus of these articles being the expertise of such operations as ,quarter panel, door skin and floor panel replacements.